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Morningstar is a beautiful, beautiful module, in both aesthetic and theme.

The writing immediately draws you into Prague and it's clandestine side. Using randomized tables the details of the mission are decided. Is Morningstar a foe or possible ally, and what are they trying to achieve? After that is decided your team can immediately drop into the maps provided and get to doing what agents do.

If you are someone who needs a little more guidance from your modules, you might have to challenge yourself a bit because the mission leaves a bit for you to create on the fly, but the multiple varibles of the mission creates great replayability and I have a feeling that I will want to revisit Prague multiple times.

Thank you for your feedback.

Morningstar is a sparse and evocative faction and tactical encounter for FIST.

It does some fairly interesting stuff by leaving the faction's lore and motives to a table roll, but as a result requires the GM to backfill some history and motive in order to understand how the faction thinks and reacts.

The PDF is 6 pages, with lovely stylized art and a grainy, immersive layout. It looks gorgeous.

The actual game-meat here is a little scant, but the potential for good, interesting stories is very high. A GM who's willing to add some flesh and interconnect Morningstar with other campaign elements will have a nice, flavorful encounter.

Overall, if you want to build a session around engaging with a radioactive skeleton cult in Prague, give this a look!


Thank you for your feedback.